Revcontent Review: Is The Bar Too High?

If you are a blogger, one of the easiest ways to monetize your blog is by joining advertising networks and there are plenty to choose from. You may have run across a few Revcontent Reviews in your online travels. But in this Revcontent Review, you’ll learn whether it’s worth joining or not. The answer may shock you.


What is Revcontent?

Revcontent is an advertising network that connects advertisers and publishers much like Maxbounty and Outbrain. Revcontent was founded by John Lemp in 2013 and is based in Sarasota, Florida. At the time of this review RevContent is listed with the BBB with an A+ rating. This company plays with the big boys and is trusted by companies like Forbes, Nasdaq, Wayfair and Bank of America.


How Does Revcontent Work?

As a publisher, you would place ads from advertisers on your site. This is done by customizing and placing widgets on your site in strategic places. These widgets will display information that is relevant to the content on your website. When visitors click on the ads, you make money.


Revcontent Features

Revcontent is considered a very trustworthy company. In fact, it was listed as one of the 50 most trustworthy companies of the year in 2018. Other features include:

    • Free to join
    • Wide range of widget options
    • Big name advertisers
    • Easy PayPal payment system
    • Available most everywhere

While these are all great features, there are other networks you may want to check out that have similar and/or better features such as, Traffic Jam Media &


How Much Can You Make with Revcontent?

Transactions with Revcontent are called “Bounties.” Bounties are a specific type of transaction that includes clicks, sales, leads, impressions, registrations and click-throughs. This would all depend on the type of widget displayed on your site and the advertising. Bounty commission rates are determined by Revcontent and according to our research, no specific commission information could be found.

But like most advertising networks where you are paid by commissions, the amount of money you can make will vary depending on the ad placement, type of ad widget and the number of clicks your ads receive. All of that will also be dependent on the amount of traffic you get on your site. The more traffic, the more potential clicks on ads. If you find yourself looking for ways to get more traffic to your site, you might want to join Wealthy Affiliate. They will teach you how to get tons of FREE traffic with their step-by-step training.


When Do Revcontent Publishers Get Paid?

Revcontent publishers are paid 45 days after the last day of the previous month. The minimum payment is $50. No payments are released until Revcontent is first paid by the advertiser. Payments are made through PayPal in U.S. Dollars.


Revcontent Requirements

You need to be at least 18 years or older in order to join this program. You also must have a valid taxpayer number or social security number if you reside in the U.S. Other requirements include:

  • Verify that you own your website
  • Your website cannot contain pornography or promote illegal activity
  • Good quality content

No information could be found regarding monthly traffic requirements, but because this is a big company that has big name clients, your site will probably have to pass a minimum monthly visitor requirement. If you apply and get rejected, you can try applying to other networks such as, Traffic Jam Media & And if you are looking for good quality traffic to your site, you might want to join Wealthy Affiliate which teaches you how to get tons of free traffic.


How To Login To Revcontent

To log into the Revcontent site, click this link here.


Revcontent Support

Support for publishers and advertisers is by filling out the Contact Us form at the bottom of this page, email at or by using the chat link on the website. You can also contact them by phone: 941-225-6132. Their mailing address is: 5901 N. Honore Avenue, Suite 210, Sarasota, FL 34243-2632.


Revcontent Complaints

Now that we’ve talked about how Revcontent works and all the features, it’s time to get into what’s not so great about them. Here are a few things that may give you pause:

Could Be Too Techy

In order to use the widgets, you have to place a piece of code on your website. This could be a bit too technical for the average blogger.

No Criteria for How To Qualify For This Program

According to our research, there’s no information that addresses how to qualify for this program.

No Commission Information

It’s pretty hard to make a decision to join a program when you don’t have all the facts. And the fact here is that the only information coming anywhere near commissions is the discussion of “bounties” and how payments are made.

If you are not comfortable with the lack of information here, there are other options. You can apply to other networks such as, Traffic Jam Media & These companies have similar and/or better features.


Should You Join Revcontent?

Revcontent is a very reputable and trustworthy company and if you meet their criteria, there’s money to be made here. But if you should get rejected, there’s plenty of other fish in the sea. Join other networks like, Traffic Jam Media & that have similar and/or better features. No matter what network you choose to join, traffic will be a key component in how much money you make. So you may want to join Wealthy Affiliate. They will teach you how to get tons of FREE traffic from Google.

So that’s it for now, folks. If you want to know more about Revcontent, click here for their faq page. And if you are already a member of Revcontent, I’d love to read your comments and experiences below.

Until next time,

Eddy with a y

Revcontent Review




On Time Payments




8 thoughts on “Revcontent Review: Is The Bar Too High?”

  1. I love your website!  I have been looking thru all your reviews and making notes on which to give a try.  I definitely need a boost with revenue for my blog.  I will be looking into this one to see if they have any travel related affiliates.  That would be great.

  2. Revcontent has been in the game for a while, which I’m happy to see. Coupled with the fact their BBB rating is an A+ means that it’s something I would take a deeper dive into with my new blogs. While the criteria isn’t clear, it’s something I would apply for and continue applying for, but the alternative options appear to be reputable as well. Thanks for this review. 

  3. Recently I have thought to check out the waters, so to speak. So this is why I’m happy I have stumbled upon your Revcontent review. 

    It seems like a decent company and I certainly will try to see if they approve my site. However, I am not happy about the fact that they give so little details in how they doing things, and yet if they have a reputation with the BBB of an A+ rating. So I’m assuming they certainly must be doing something right.

    Thank you also for the other ad-sites, I will check them out for sure.

    I do appreciate all the information you have provided on the matter and it certainly came at the right moment too.

  4. Just in time for me! 

    I happen to have a website myself, and am always looking for new avenues to increase my revenue. Thanks for mentioning the other possible resources that I was unaware of as well! 

    In either case, despite some of the complaints listed above I’m interested enough to do my own research into this company further. The fact that they are listed as a A+ with the BBB says a lot. Thanks for providing what information is available and relevant. I agree that it sounds like a valid option, and look forward to learning more.


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