Neobux Review: Clicks Goldmine or Scam?

Neobux Review

If you’re a website owner, then you know how valuable online exposure can be. Obviously, there are tons of ways to get visibility. One that many resort to is buying clicks on sites like Neobux. But no one likes falling for a scam online. So I’m pretty sure that’s why you’re going through Neobux reviews. … Read more

Jaaxy Review: Is It The Best Keyword Tool?


Studies show that 75% of people never search past the first page of results. So if your website isn't on the first page of Google, you can kiss your online business good bye. Fortunately Jaaxy is an online keyword research tool that can help your site to easily rank. But is Jaaxy really the best keyword research tool for your needs. It depends...

Product Site:

Vendor Name:

Kyle & Carson

Overall Rating:

Feature Rating:

Support Rating:

Ease of Use:

What Is Jaaxy?

Jaaxy located at, is a keyword research tool designed to help marketers and bloggers discover what keywords should be included on your site that will drive traffic. The service was first established in 2011 by co-founders Kyle and Carson. These two are better known as the creators of Wealthy Affiliate. WA is a online marketing training community that teaches people how build an online business via blogging. So they have used their real world expertise to design Jaaxy.

How Does Jaaxy Work?

Check out the following quick tutorial and walkthrough.

Jaaxy Features

List most keyword research tools, Jaaxy has a lot of useful features. But unlike other keyword tools they aren’t overwhelming to use or understand. Let’s review some of the features below. 

• Keyword Data: Like any decent keyword tool, Jaaxy provides you estimates on how often keywords are searched, how many people search for them and the competitiveness of the keyword. This information makes it very easy to decide which keywords you should pursue or ignore.

• Keyword Lists: Once you’ve conducted a search you can actually save the keywords that meet your needs. Some people actually sell these keyword list.

• Site rank: In this area, you will be able to see just how well your site is ranking for keywords you’ve optimized for using Jaaxy. 

• Search History: I’m sure there have been times that you searched for something with specific words only to forget about it when you need it later on. Just like your Google searches, Jaaxy has a search history so none of your potential keywords are lost.

• Color Coded Competition Indicator: Jaaxy uses a simple 3 color code to display the level of competition for a keyword. Green means the keyword isn’t very competitive. Yellow indicates the keyword has more competition but may be doable. Red represents stop and that’s exactly what you should do instead of pursuing this keyword. 

How Much Does Jaaxy Cost?

Depending on your search engine marketing optimization needs, there are several payment options you can sign up for with Jaaxy

Free Trial
• No cost to try
• 30 keyword searches included
• Great for getting started and learning about Jaaxy

• $19 per month
• Unlimited keyword searches
• Search engine optimization analysis
• Perfect for new websites

• $499 per year
• Unlimited keyword searches
• Search engine optimization analysis
• 5X faster than trial version
• Use this version to improve a successful site


  • Language Limited: Jaaxy collects its data from all over the world, but the results are English based only. So this may not be the best tool for people who are looking for international markets.

  • May Be Too Expensive: While it is great that Jaaxy offers a FREE trial, it is extremely limited. Eventually you’ll have to invest in the pro or enterprise version which requires a recurring monthly or yearly subscription. There isn’t just a flat rate option.  

  • Ranking tracking is limited: Currently you need to manually trigger a ranking check by logging into Jaaxy and clicking on the check rank button of each keyword you’re tracking. Ideally the user should be able to set up Jaaxy to track multiple keywords that send automated emailed reports of all the keywords being tracked on a schedule created by the user. 

  • Local SEO: Jaaxy is really more designed for general SEO uses but it’s not really great for local seo. It would be great if they built in features that are geared towards local seo such as geographic based search data and citation information. 



    • User-Friendly: Using Jaaxy is very simple. I love the fact they use color codes to make it easy to determine which keywords you should pursue or not. 

    • Great Results: The keyword results that Jaaxy gives you are clear and easy to understand. For every keyword search, the site gives you the amount of traffic it generates and how effective it would be for your specific needs.

    • Use it On-The-Go: Jaaxy can be used from both your computer and mobile device. So no matter if you use a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you will never have to be out of touch with your searches.

    • No Software Required: Jaaxy is totally web based and not limited to one device. This means there are no downloads required, and you can check into the site anytime as long as you have an internet connection.

    • Great Support: Jaaxy is fast and easy to use, but sometimes there are questions only a human can answer. All you need to do to answer any of your questions is to send an email and you will hear back within 24 hours.

    • Easy to use: Some keyword research tools have a huge learning curve.  Whereas jaaxy is very easy to use right out the box. But in the rare case you don’t understand something they have video tutorials and customer support that can help you.

      Should You Buy Jaaxy?

      Jaaxy is a service with a stellar reputation. Because of all the convenient features and training it offers, it is incredibly helpful to anyone who relies on the internet for their business. This service will benefit anyone that has a website that you can use more FREE traffic from search engines like Google. However the price point may be too expensive for some people. Fortunately they provide a FREE trial. This way you will be able to get a feel for the site and you can decide for yourself if it is right for you. The need for on going traffic to a website is never going to let up. So in my opinion it’s worth investing in a tool like Jaaxy since it can help you get unlimited FREE traffic if you use it regularly.

      I can personally say it’s paid for itself many times over. It’s a tool I use every week and would be lost without it. So I highly recommend buying it. 

      Well that’s enough chit chatting from me. I would love to hear your thoughts about If you have any comments or questions feel free to post them below. Thanks for reading!

      Eddy with a y

      ConvertKit Review: Why Aweber & Mailchimp Should Be Scared!


      Let's face it, getting people to visit your blog is a pain in the ass. But keeping them coming back is even more of challenge. You're basically competing against all the other distractions in people's lives. So even if you have awesome content, chances are your visitors will forget about you. Don't take it personal. The best way to keep your visitors coming back is with email marketing and ConvertKit makes this easier than the likes of Aweber, Mailchimp, etc. Discover how in this convert kit review.

      Product Site:

      Vendor Name:

      Nathan Barry


      Starts at $29 Per Month for 1000 subscribers & rises depending on the number of subscribers.

      Overall Rating:

      Feature Rating:

      Support Rating:

      Progress Bar

      Ease of Use:

      Progress Bar

      What Is ConvertKit?

      ConvertKit located at was founded in 2013 by Nathan Barry, and David Wheeler. It’s a software company that provides web based email marketing services for bloggers and businesses.

      How Does ConverKit Work?

      Check out the following quick ConvertKit tutorial and walk-through.

      Convertkit Features

      Obviously ConvertKit can help you collect subscribers and send emails. But what else do they offer? I’m glad you asked. I’ve compiled a list below.

      • Automation

      You can setup automation rules that are triggered by links your subscribers click or the forms they fill out. You can be very creative with this.

      • Forms

      You have a lot of options when it comes to email capture forms. All their forms are mobile, responsive and fully customizable. You can create Pop up Modals, Sliders, in content forms, etc.

      • Landing Pages

      Most of the competition provides you basic email forms, but not many offer landing pages. You usually need to pay for a separate service or tool to do this. However, with ConvertKit you can create landing pages hosted on their server or hosted on your WordPress blog using their plugin. There is no additional cost for this service.

      • Sequences

      This is basically ConvertKit’s version of an auto responder. You can set it up so when someone subscribers to your list, they will automatically receive a series of emails that you have already created. You can control the time and dates they are sent. It’s a great way to share some of your best posts with your audience. It’s also a way to help your sales since you can have promotions sent automatically to anyone that signs up for your list.

      • Broadcasts

      Sometimes you just want to send one email to all your subscribers at the same time. Fortunately, with ConvertKit, you can do that with broadcasts. The broadcasts can be sent immediately or scheduled for a later date. Either way you have total control.

      • Integrations

      Although ConvertKit is still the new kid on the block they do integrate with a lot of the major players. They include the following:


      • Gumroad
      • Samcart
      • DPD
      • SendOwl
      • Shopify
      • WooCommerce
      • Easy Digital Downloads

      Lead Capture

      • SumoMe
      • LeadPages
      • Thrive Leads
      • OptinMonster
      • OptimizePress (direct integration in development)
      • ClickFunnels
      • Bounce Exchange
      • Genesis eNews Extended
      • BookLaunch
      • MailMunch
      • Textiful
      • Bloom (in process)
      • OptKit
      • Landing Lion

      Membership + Courses Sites

      • Teachable
      • ProgressAlly
      • Zippy Courses
      • Wishlist Member
      • Member Mouse
      • Paid Memberships Pro
      • Teachery
      • Rainmaker
      • Lifter LMS
      • aMember
      • New Kajabi
      • Restricted Content Pro
      • Thinkific
      • Digital Access Pass (DAP)

      Webinar Services

      • Webinar Jam
      • Webinar Ninja

      Surveys + Forms

      • Gravity Forms

      Website Platforms

      • WordPress
      • Squarespace
      • Wix


      • Acuity Scheduling


      • Gleam
      • ViralSweep
      • Zapier

      Additional features worth noting are: 

      • Subscriber Segmentation
      • Personalization
      • Email scheduling
      • Drag and drop to reorder emails

      How Much Does ConvertKit Cost? offers a pretty unique and fair pricing model. You can send unlimited number of emails to a list of 1000 starting at $29 per month. The monthly price will vary depending on the size of your list. As I mentioned above you’re never charged multiple times for an email that you have on multiple list. Whereas services like aweber will jerk you in this way. You end up paying way more with their pricing model.

      So you usually end up saving money with


      • No FREE trial but they do have a 30 day money back guarantee or you can request a demo.
      • Reporting isn’t as a robust. They also need to centralize reporting in one area instead of the multiple places it’s currently buried. 
      • Integration with other tools isn’t as a extensive as the big boys. But it’s getting there. They have about 35 right now and it’s with some of the bigger players. 
      • They have a limited amount of email template options available out of the box. But you can create your own or edit the ones they do have.
      • There is no split testing function for subject lines or sequences.



        • It’s very easy to use and understand.
        • Customer support is very responsive.
        • Training and documentation are robust.
        • Concierge service will transfer your existing lists if you have over 10,000 subscribers. 
        • You can request a demo and their customer service will walk you through one before you sign up.
        • Unlike other services ConvertKit will only charge you ONCE for a subscriber even if they’re on multiple lists you own.
        • You can send unlimited emails regardless of your plan.

          Should You Buy ConvertKit?

          If you’re new to email marketing then I would highly recommend ConvertKit because it is so user friendly. But even if you are more experienced, I would still recommend ConvertKit because it has powerful features like marketing automation. Too often the other services out there are over priced or require a PHD to use their platform. ConvertKit strikes a perfect balance of simplicity and functionality.  

          Because it is a new company there are still areas where they can grow. But once they do, I feel bad for the competition. Because many will jump ship as I did to use ConvertKit as their email marketing tool of choice.

          Well that’s enough YAPPING from me. I would love to hear your thoughts about If you have any comments or questions feel free to post them below. Thanks for reading!

          Eddy with a y

          Social Locker Review: WordPress Content Locker Plugin

          Content Locker

          Social Locker

          Maybe you've come to realize that slapping on annoying social media share buttons isn't motivating your audience to spread  your great content out on the web. So you probably searched for a better way to motivate your "lazy" visitors to share the love. Chances are you learned about content locking and now you're trying to determine which is the best plugin to get the job done. Well search no more my friend, you found it today.

          If you're looking for a content locker plugin that will help you get more traffic from social media without having to deal with buying ads, then the Social Locker for wordpress can definitely help you do that. It's not perfect and I'll get into why later in this review. However, I still think this social locker plugin can help you get more traffic and grow your social media following quickly.

          Product Site:

          Vendor Name:


          Overall Rating:

          Feature Rating:


          Support Rating:


          Ease of Use:


          What Is Social Locker For WordPress?

          Basically it’s a premium wordpress plugin that allows you to lock all or certain parts of your content with a shortcode. The user can only read that part of your content if they “pay” for it by some social action. This could mean they need to like your facebook fanpage, follow you on twitter, share your content on facebook, twitter, google plus, etc. You decide which social actions you want them to take to see your content. Either way, the social action will lead to you gaining more followers directly or indirectly if your visitors decides to share your content.

          This works far better than slapping on those annoying social share buttons on your content that most people won’t use. 

          How Does It Work?

          You can watch my Social Locker video or just view the images below. 

          Social Locker Features

          • Drive Social Traffic: Your visitors have share or tweet your page to gain access to the content you locked, their friends view the content. That means you can get visits from people that would never see your site in the first place. This happens over and over again.
          • Grow Your Social Following: When you first start out it may be very difficult to get people to follow you. But with this plugin it makes it easier to grow your following quickly. Even if you have an existing following, this will just help it grow faster.
          • Improve SEO Rankings: It’s no secret searching engines consider a number of factors when ranking a website. One of those factors is social media likes, followers, etc. This plugin helps your site grow in that area. 
          • Lead generation: Although you can setup this plugin to lock your content for social likes, shares or follows. It can be used as a lead generator. You can set this plugin up to unlock content by having them sign in with their social media profiles or entering an email address. The plugin collects these emails and names of visitors who unlocked the content. You can then export this into your email list software. 
          • Robust analytics: The plugin has a solid analytics section where you can see what content has been unlocked, where it’s been shared and the number of followers you have gained for each piece of content you locked. 

          Are There Any Upsells or OTOs?

          You can use this social locker plugin as is to get traffic and a social media following. But if you want to collect email addresses automatically into popular mail services like aweber, you have you to buy a separate optin plugin. Again you only need to do this if you don’t want to manually export and import from the social locker plugin. 


          • The plugin forces you to pick between social traffic or lead generation. It would be great if you could use both options when locking content.
          • It can be a little complicated to set up especially the sharing options and using Google plus. But they provide a lot of easy to follow documentation with images. Support is also very responsive and helpful.
          • There is no free version to use before you buy. 


            • It really does boost your traffic from social media.
            • It also actually works to increase your social media following.
            • It’s feature rich.
            • It’s easy to use once you get past the initial setup. 

              Should You Buy The Social Locker Plugin?

              Yes despite the minor cons I mentioned, I can say from first hand use this is a plugin that has increased my traffic and social media following. So regardless where you currently stand in terms of traffic or a social media following standpoint, this plugin is beneficial to helping your blog grow. Adding social share buttons are cool. But in my experience they are nowhere as effective as locking your content and asking people to pay for it by sharing your content or following you. 

              So I would encourage you to purchase this Social Locker Plugin.

              Buy Here & Get FREE Bonuses!

              I'd like to offer you some FREE and useful bonuses. No it's not like the useless garbage you see elsewhere that they claim are worth thousands of dollars. These are real bonuses by quality companies that you will really use in your business.

              Domain List

              Find available keyword rich .com domain names easily.

              Easy Rankings

              Find easy to rank traffic producing keywords for FREE.

              WordPress Site Builder

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              Banner Creator

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              Image Editing

              Get Photoshop like software for Free.


              Get free cloud storage for all your files.


              Free access to thousands of images & icons.

              Traffic Booster

              Learn How To Get Free Traffic From The Media!

              How To Claim Your FREE  Bonuses!

              Step 1: Clear уоur web browser cookies. Click here to learn how.
              Step 2: Now Click Here tо Social Locker from me!
              Step 3: Email your receipt to the email listed below & I'll send you the bonuses: