How To Increase Your Blog Profits – Thinking Outside The Box


As stated in the video above, don’t just limit yourself to promoting the obvious companies related to your niche or blog. Look at other companies that may be paying more and can add value to your audience.

For instance let’s say you run a dog blog. Conventional thinking would say promote products like dog collars or dog training books. That would work but they don’t pay all that much.

But using the technique in the video, we could also promote carpet cleaning machines. Pets tend to have accidents and investing in a carpet cleaning machine would be useful over the years. These machines tend to be expensive. So if your visitor happens to buy one as a result of a link on your site, you’d earn a higher commission.

So maximize your income by promoting various type of products even if you don’t initially see the fit. With a little creative thinking you’d be surprised what you can promote.


Next Steps:

  • Search through other product categories outside your niche.
  • Compile a list of potential products you can promote into your existing or new content.
  • Review your blog analytics to determine your most popular posts.
  • Edit your top traffic producing posts to include higher paying products outside your niche if it makes sense.
  • Continue to try to incorporate other niche products into future blog posts as it makes sense for your audience.
  • Watch your income grow in time or immediately.


Hopefully after watching this video, you’ve had an ah ha moment.  If not, you probably need to watch the video again or read this article. The great thing about this technique is that it involves the same amount of work. But it can potentially pay you so much work. So apply it right away if you want to boost your income quickly.

This is one of many tips I’ve learned over the years by being a member of a FREE blogging community known as Wealthy Affiliate. I would encourage you to join if you’re looking to take your blog to the next level from a money or traffic standpoint.

Speaking of taking your blog to another level, did you know that your blog design can help increase your income. Check out the tools I use to design a professional looking blog and pages that boost my income.

In any event, I hope you enjoyed this tip. If so please leave a comment below. If you have any questions, feel free to post it down below as well. Thanks for reading.

Eddy with a y

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