Adsterra Review: Is It The Best Ad Network?

As a publisher there are tons of ways to make money with your website. Perhaps the easiest way would be to monetize the traffic you get by displaying ads. Sites like Adsterra claim they can help you make money by displaying advertisers’ ads. If you’re here you’re probably scouring the web to find honest Adsterra reviews to help you determine whether they’re legit or a waste of time.

Well, we did the legwork so you don’t have to and we have everything you need to know about the network in this Adsterra review. Unfortunately, you may not like everything you’re about to read.

Who Is Adsterra?

Adsterra found online at is a digital advertising network that offers performance-based solutions for both advertisers and publishers worldwide. The company was founded in 2013 and is currently headed by CEO Anton Brovkin. They’re headquartered in Nicosia, Agios Andreas in Cyprus.

How Does Adsterra Work?

Adsterra basically connects advertisers and publishers who would want to profit from using effective display ad formats including Pop-Unders, display banners, interstitials, direct links, video banners and display banners.

For Advertisers

As an advertiser you’ll get access to over 10,000 direct publishers with whom you can plan, launch, manage and analyze your ad campaigns. Using their Geo-targeted campaign approach, you can select your most suitable payment model including CPM, CPA, CPC, CPL, CPO, CPI (PPI). To get started all you have to do is book a consultation and they’ll guide you on the best way forward.

For Publishers

As a publisher, you can use Adsterra to monetize your traffic by displaying ads on your site. All you have to do is place a line of code to your site and you can start making money immediately. Adsterra claims you’ll be able to monetize your impression with 100% fill rates and competitive CPMs customized to suit your needs. They have multiple ad formats for both desktop and mobile all you have to do is choose the format that suits you. They’ll then pay you via multiple payment channels.

Adsterra Features

Granted, there are hundreds of ad networks out there. Some are just better than others. That said, here are some of Adsterra features for publishers.

Multiple Ad Formats – You have the option of choosing from several ad formats including display banners, Pop-Unders, interstitials, push ups, direct links and slider ads for both desktop and mobile. Banners come in different shapes and sizes including 160×600, 300×250, 728×90, 468×60, 800×440, 320×50.

Multiple Campaign Models – Adsterra offers different campaign models depending on the ad format you choose to monetize with. If you’re using banners, you get CPM/CPC/CPA/CPL/CPI. Pop-Unders are CPM/CPA/CPL/CPI/PPI. All formats come with a 100% fill rate.

Performance-based API – Adsterra’s API generates and displays statististical and technical reports for monitoring and analysis purposes.

Frequency Capping – This feature allows you to customize the number of Pop-Unders you would like to display for each user in 24 hours. Adsterra’s default settings for this feature is are 2 Pop-Unders in 6 hours with a 45 seconds delay in between them.

These features obviously sound great for monetization. But what good are they if you have low traffic? If you could use more traffic to your website and would want to use proven strategies and tools that will help you get more visitors, consider joining Wealthy Affiliate. The program trains you on how to get tons of FREE, organic traffic from Google and lots of other proven strategies that help you monetize your site better. You can even get started for Free.

How Much Money Can You Make With Adsterra?

How much you can earn with Adsterra or just about any other ad network largely depends on the amount of traffic your site gets. They don’t really reveal their rates. They say your account manager will reveal the rates to you after signing up.

When Does Adsterra Pay Publishers?

Adsterra pays publishers every two weeks on a net-15 basis. To cash out you’ll need to have earned at least $100. You can cash out using the following channels.

  • PayPal – Normal Paypal rate
  • Wire Transfer – Minimum $1000, $45 processing fee
  • Web Money – 8% processing fee
  • Paxum – 1% processing fee
  • Payza – Normal Payza rate
  • Payoneer – Normal Payoneer rate

Adsterra Traffic Requirements & Restrictions

Unfortunately for some of you, Adsterra doesn’t accept every Tom Dick and Harry. There are a couple of traffic requirements you’ll need to meet including:

  • At least 5,000 impressions per month to qualify for pop-unders
  • At least 50,000 impressions per month to qualify for banner displays
  • Hacking or Phreaking, Software Pirating (for example Warez) sites are prohibited
  • No Pornographic content
  • Sites Containing or linking to any form of illegal activity
  • No sites that promote racial, ethnic, political, hate-mongering or otherwise objectionable content
  • Sites that contain material that defames, abuses, or threatens physical harm to others
  • Inappropriate newsgroup postings, chat or forum abuse, unsolicited email (SPAM)
  • Any site that promotes any illegal activity whatsoever

If for any reason you don’t make the cut to join Adsterra, keep on smiling because not all networks have the same requirements. You may want to consider, Traffic Jam Media, or Ezoic as alternatives.

Again, 5,000 and 50,000 monthly impressions may sound like a stretch, especially if you’re just starting out. However, Wealthy Affiliate can teach you how to drum up tons of traffic so you can meet these requirements. You’ll get the tools and strategies you need to get FREE organic traffic from Google. It’s even free to get started.

How To Join Adsterra

To join Adsterra as a publisher, all you need to do is fill out their registration form. They’ll review your application within 48 hours and if you get accepted, a personal manager will contact you with the requested ad codes. Once you integrate the code into your site, ads will start to appear almost instantly.

How To Login Into Adsterra

If all goes well with your application, you can login to your account and begin tracking your earnings.

Adsterra Support

If you’re a member, your personal manager will be your support contact person. But for general enquiries, you can send a posted mail to Ad Market Ltd, 15 Agiou Pavlou Str, Ledra House, Agios Andreas, 1105, Nicosia, Cyprus. Their headquarters are located at 15 Spyrou Kyprianou Street, Matrix Tower II, 4001, Limassol, Cyprus. You can also send an email to or call them up on +357 25 260 025

Adsterra Complaints

Everything sounds great so far, but we all know there’s nothing like a perfect company. So here are a couple of complaints about Adsterra that may help you determine whether they’re the right network to join.

Not Ideal For Low Traffic Sites – You can’t exactly consider Adsterra as a monetization option if you don’t meet the impressions count they require. But hey, if you don’t fit the bill based on that requirements, never fret. You can look into other networks like, Traffic Jam Media, or Ezoic that don’t have such high traffic requirements.

They focus more on popunder ads – If you’re not keen on monetizing with Pop-Unders, you may find it difficult getting the most out of Adsterra. There are several reports from publishers suggesting that Adsterra’s CPM for other ad types are shockingly low compared to Pop-Unders. So if you prefer banners to Pop-Unders, you may be undervaluing your traffic potential without even knowing it.

No BBB Listing

At the time of this review, Adsterra is not listed with the Better Business Bureau which I know may be a deal breaker to some of ya’ll.

Should You Join Adsterra?

Short answer: Yes, if you have the traffic. Adsterra is not a scam. They may be a late entry into the market but they’re doing quite well, serving over 10 billion geo-targeted ads a month. There’s no sign that they’re a waste of time, although your traffic needs to be really clean and to avoid getting banned, not forgetting the minimum monthly impressions requirement. Bottom line is, if you want to join an ad network that’s great with Pop-Unders, Adsterra is one of the best in the market.

That said, it never hurts to look into other ad networks as well. More often than not you may find better features or even lesser requirements than what Adsterra has. So feel free to check out, Traffic Jam Media, or Ezoic as other options.

And if you’re struggling with traffic, then definitely join Wealthy Affiliate. You’ll learn how to get tons of FREE organic traffic from Google using proven strategies, tools and methods. You’ll then be in a better position to enjoy the benefits of networks like Adsterra with high monthly impressions and traffic requirements.

Well, that’s all from me today. If you want to know more about the network, you can visit their FAQs page. And finally, don’t be a stranger. We would love it if you shared your thoughts or experiences with this or any other ad network you have in mind.

Until next time

Eddy “with a Y”

Adsterra Review




On Time Payments




2 thoughts on “Adsterra Review: Is It The Best Ad Network?”

  1. Legitimacy


    On Time Payments




    Good network, btw. I have 3 SEO websites and all of them are monetizing with Adsterra. No bots, no traffic manipulation.
    Payouts are regular and honest also.

  2. Legitimacy


    On Time Payments




    Good option for advertisers. I run couple of sites and I’m more than satisfied with the results. Payouts are regular also.


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